Monday, August 1, 2011

Moral Dilemmas as Performance Art

Honestly the hardest part was finding characters for everyone to play. We had too many people in our group but I guess we could've made everyone an allegorical character and that would've been the end of it. The other difficulty was making the story relevant to college students. So it had to be believable and you had to make it so there was an overall moral to the story. The message is the most important part cause without it you're just some people on stage saying whatever. I think the whole point of dramas is there is a message being conveyed but the art of it is to do it in a way that is tasteful and not too obvious. You don't want to insult your audience so there are subtle messages throughout the production. In a 2 minute skit though you have no time for that and its much more to the point. 

Its important to understand the process because once you see how a play comes together you can appreciate it that much more. Its just like anything else, once you understand the inner workings of anything you value the effort and intelligence it takes to put it together. Its a kinesthetic approach to drama. I learn more by doing than I do from lecture or taking notes. Its good especially with a tough subject like drama to get in and work with the material first hand.

I think the process of making a drama is a difficult one. The way I would have started is from the end by picking the message I wanted to get across to my audience, then build the story around that. It sounds easier to work in reverse. I couldn't imagine trying to write a play in linear sequence.

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